All oral forms of presentation on 21st EUSUHM Congress (Nursing session included) are expected to be in English. No translation will be provided.
PowerPoint presentations should be handed to technical support crew, on-site, at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session.
Time limits:
- Introduction lecture – 15 minutes time limit.
- Oral presentation – 10 minutes time limit
- Workshop – time limit as scheduled in the Program
Sva usmena izlaganja na 6. Hrvatskom kongresu školske i sveučilišne medicine biti će na hrvatskom jeziku. Prijevod neće biti osiguran. / All oral forms of presentation on 6thCroatian Congress of school and university medicine are expected to be in Croatian. No translation will be provided.
PowerPoint prezentacije potrebno je predati najkasnije 30 minuta prije početka sesije tehničkom osoblju na mjestu događanja. / PowerPoint presentations should be handed to technical support crew, on-site, at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the session.
Predviđeno vrijeme trajanje izlaganja definirano je u Programu. / Time limits as scheduled in the Program.